Anti Biden Social Club Biden Flower 2022 Shirt


Official Anti Biden Social Club Biden Flower 2022 Shirt

He said this. ADAM KINZINGER: I think it shows that the Official Anti Biden Social Club Biden Flower 2022 Shirt Furthermore, I will do this party’s in a bad place. Look, we are standing up against evil. Liz Cheney is standing up against evil. And I say this, you know, I put out this message the other day, which is a lot of people sit around and they dream about the day they get to do it. And very few people ever get that chance to really stand up against evil. Yeah. They’re fighting evil. What evil is that exactly? Is it terrorists? Is it pedophiles? Is it field goal kickers? No, it’s you. If you support Trump, you are evil. If you don’t trust the government, you’re evil. If you don’t trust the media, you’re evil. If you think that the FBI or the DOJ has folks in top positions who make political decisions instead of principled ones, you are evil. Meanwhile, if you’re a BLM rioter, a killer released without bail, a pervert teacher or the Chinese government. Nothing to see here, folks. So who’s painting targets on people’s backs? It’s Adam. He’s Scherwin ******* Williams. Remember, in order to incite violence against people, you have to dehumanize them. It’s an old tactic that Charles Krauthammer stated decades ago. The right thinks the left is wrong, but the left thinks the right is evil. What’s funny is normally to the left, Liz Cheney would be the evilest of evil. But how quickly the left forget the dead. Now, Adam isn’t a lefty, but he’s enjoying the strange new respect given from the left. He’s like a married man getting hit on by an attractive stranger. Except the attractive stranger is named Wolf and has breath that reeks of Poligrip. The libs get it, steering the emotionally damaged Adam toward conclusions no objective Republican would ever agree to, they’ve exploited

Official Anti Biden Social Club Biden Flower 2022 Shirt

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